American newspaper: The partnership between Sudan and Israel leads to stability in the Middle East, and the Sudanese intelligence service deserves praise

American newspaper: The partnership between Sudan and Israel leads to stability in the Middle East, and the Sudanese intelligence service deserves praise

An American newspaper discusses the importance of the partnership between Israel and Sudan and praises the role of the Sudanese intelligence service in combating terrorism and illegal immigration. Follow the newspaper report below

هل يمكن أن يكون السودان حليفًا استراتيجيًا رئيسيًا لإسرائيل؟

Over the last five years, the global geopolitical landscape has experienced a significant transformation, marked notably by the groundbreaking 2020 Abraham Accords during the Trump Administration. This shift towards collaboration and peace has opened doors for potential strategic alliances between previously unlikely partners, such as Israel and the U.A.E, Bahrain and potentially Israel with Saudi Arabia. However, amidst escalating violence against Israel starting from October 7, 2023, sparking a necessary campaign to eradicate Hamas, Israel finds itself under heightened pressure to forge alliances within a complex diplomatic environment and amidst biased media narratives falsely positioning Israel as the genocidal oppressor.

While discussions often revolve around Middle Eastern Arab nations involved in the Abraham Accords seeking to mitigate the conflict and explore peaceful solutions for Israel and Palestinian aspirations, there is a notable absence of discourse on potential African allies within the framework. Sudan emerges as a promising candidate for partnership due to its strategic location along the Red Sea and its robust counter-terrorism efforts led by General Ahmed Ibrahim Mufaddal and the General Intelligence Services.

Despite internal challenges hindering Sudan’s full participation in the Abraham Accords which Sudan agreed to in 2021, Mufaddal’s leadership underscores the country’s potential as a reliable ally in combating extremism. The proactive approach of the General Intelligence Services in dismantling terrorist cells has not only curtailed domestic terrorism but also contributed to regional security by disrupting transnational criminal networks. Sudan’s dedication to preventive measures, despite civil unrest, has yielded significant successes, including thwarting planned terrorist attacks targeting foreign interests.

Sudan’s role in counterterrorism efforts deserves commendation, positioning the nation as a key player in regional collaboration, potentially including an alliance with Israel. Leveraging Sudan’s expertise could bolster the Abraham Accords’ objectives of enhancing regional stability. Moreover, Sudan’s contribution in intercepting weapons destined for Hamas underscores its commitment to security cooperation. The GIS and Sudanese Army successfully thwarted shipments from Khashm el Girba consisting of about 250 Automatic Weapons bound for Gaza.

An agreement between Israel and Sudan could potentially involve Israel establishing a strategic Red Sea base in Sudan, further bolstering maritime security and economic cooperation. Such collaboration aligns with Sudan’s commitment to combating terrorism and complements Israel’s security imperatives, presenting a mutually beneficial opportunity for both nations.

Sudan’s proactive stance against terrorism and its potential alliance with Israel not only strengthen bilateral relations but also foster a more secure and stable Middle East. Cooperation between Sudan and Israel represents a beacon of hope for enduring peace in the region, complementing efforts by other peace partners like the U.A.E, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, and Egypt.

The emergence of Sudan as a potential partner for Israel carries significant implications for regional dynamics. By bridging the gap between North Africa and the Middle East, Sudan can serve as a crucial link in fostering greater cooperation and understanding between Arab and Israeli entities. Furthermore, Sudan’s historical experience with conflict resolution and peacekeeping efforts could contribute valuable insights to ongoing efforts to stabilize the region.

From an economic standpoint, a Sudan-Israel alliance holds immense potential for mutual development and prosperity. Sudan’s rich natural resources and strategic location make it an attractive investment destination for Israeli businesses seeking new markets and opportunities. Likewise, Israel’s expertise in technology and innovation can support Sudan’s efforts to modernize and diversify its economy.

Moreover, a partnership between Sudan and Israel could have far-reaching implications for regional security. By aligning their efforts against common threats such as terrorism and extremism, both countries can significantly enhance their respective security capabilities and contribute to the overall stability of the region. This collaborative approach also sends a powerful message to adversaries, demonstrating the unity and resolve of Sudan and Israel in safeguarding their interests and promoting peace.

However, it is essential to acknowledge the challenges and sensitivities involved in forging such a partnership. Sudan’s internal dynamics, including political instability and historical animosities of Sudanese Islamists towards Israel, could pose obstacles to deeper cooperation putting any alignment with Israel at deep opposition from certain segments of Sudanese society and neighboring countries, potentially complicating diplomatic efforts.

Nevertheless, with careful diplomacy and a focus on shared interests and objectives, Sudan and Israel can overcome these challenges and build a robust and enduring partnership. By leveraging their respective strengths and resources, both countries stand to benefit immensely from closer cooperation in areas ranging from security and defense to trade and investment.

Sudan’s emergence as a potential partner for Israel presents a unique opportunity to reshape the geopolitical landscape of the Middle East. By transcending historical divisions and focusing on common goals, Sudan and Israel can forge a strategic alliance that not only advances their own interests but also promotes peace, stability, and prosperity in the region. As such, the prospect of a Sudan-Israel partnership represents a beacon of hope in an otherwise turbulent and uncertain geopolitical environment.

Published by: Nelly Chavez

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